I am a modern woman. I am a nurturer. I am a good cook. I am a hard worker. I am strong. I am weak. I am complicated. I am simple. I am emotional. I am a worrier. I am happy. I am sad. I am opinionated. I am easy going.
Today, I shopped online looking for a Christmas present for my husband. I was also watching t.v. I find it hard to only do one thing. "New Girl" was on and a character on the show said that by the time you are 30, 90% of your eggs are gone. I immediately opened a new web page and verified this information. From my reading, 88% of your eggs are gone by age 30. I had already read that fertility for couples at 30 goes down to 1/3 of what it was at your most fertile time. This is all so much for me to take in.
I am almost 31. I still do not have children. We started trying when I was 27. This has been a long trying process for me. We can't afford anything like in vitro. Most recently, I have decided to change careers. So next summer, I hope to finish my next degree and begin my next career. It means that we have stopped trying but not trying to prevent getting pregnant, especially since it seems unlikely. You see, I have PCOS. Not impossible to get pregnant, just with a much lower chance. We had also planned on starting to look at adoption in December. But with my career change, we have decided to wait until next year. We want to be able to give our children a stable life without a lot of the family's financial worries that we had as children. Don't get me wrong, we want our children to respect the family's budget and understand that we didn't hit the lottery yesterday. But I don't want them to worry about us being able to keep a roof over their heads or groceries in the fridge.
This really put a damper on my evening of online shopping for Christmas. I love making Christmas happen in my home and for my family (in my home and extended).
Well, in the mean time, I got a dog. I am covered in dog hair. I took her for a walk today. She peed on everything that smelled of another dog. Eventually, it was only a drop at a time. That was pretty funny. She has only lived with us for a week. I got her at the Humane Society. She is really sweet. She keeps the volume of that biological clock alarm a little quieter.
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